Monday, September 8, 2014


Well isn't this interesting...

My roommate Ashley told me about how she is becoming even more hip and starting a blog, the more I asked about it the more I thought. . . hmm maybe I should do that.

So first, here's Ashley's blog - GO CHECK IT OUT :D

Second, here's some stuff about me,

My name is Jaime and for the past four years I have been completing my degree in the Concurrent Education program at Brock University, majoring in Dramatic Arts and minoring in History. Basically all that means is after this last and final year of Teacher's College I can teach grades 7 - 12 Dramatic Arts and History. To give you a sense of who I am i'll tell you that I am super outgoing, love sports (specifically hockey and lacrosse), love to sing and most importantly I am a caring person who does want to make a difference somehow, someway but just isn't sure how yet. And though teaching seems like the perfect place to make that difference, as of late I have lost my love for teaching and I am hoping through the different placements in schools I will have this year and just maybe this blog can help me find it again.

When Ashley told me about her blog she said it doesn't matter who reads it, though it would be awesome if people did, because she is doing it for herself. That really stuck with me. Now if you were to read Ashley's blog you would see that for this year of teacher's college we have been shipped from St. Catharines which became our home for four years, to Hamilton... which we both are not too impressed about. This big change, the want to find my passion for teaching again, along with the intense want and need to become a better me mentally and physically made me decide that maybe starting a blog myself wouldn't be such a bad idea.

So maybe people will happen upon this blog, maybe it will merely give me the motivation to get to the gym because I can document progress, maybe talking about my teaching experiences will help me find my passion, or maybe i'll just write and nothing will happen...

Either way I am excited to see what this blog brings :)